What Fish Does Caviar Come From? The Source & Origins of Caviar

Aug 26, 2024CaviarHub Blog

Caviar comes from the sturgeon, a group of about 25 different species and subspecies of the Acipenseridae family. This incredible fish is found naturally in different parts of the world, however, it is now farmed for its meat, oils, and caviar globally.

Note to readersThis article focuses on the source of real caviar, which is salt-cured, aged eggs from the sturgeon fish family specifically. Fish roe (eggs) from other types of fish is not real caviar – learn more about the differences between caviar and fish roe.

What Kind of Fish Does Caviar Come From?

In short, caviar is the salt-cured fish eggs of 10 or so species, subspecies, and cross-species of the sturgeon fish. About 5 species make up the bulk of the market of these eggs famous for their astronomical prices, taste, and perfectly shaped pearly beads.

Although historically found in the wild in Russia, Europe, Asia, and North America, these endangered species are now farmed in almost every corner of the globe for their delicious and precious eggs.

Different caviar from different species

Further, different species produce different colours, textures, sizes, and quality caviar with the most prized being the famous Beluga, Kaluga, Ossetra, and Sevruga.

Colour, texture, and taste can vary even within the same species depending on a few factors such as its age, size, and habitat.

Moreover, cross-species sturgeon has been gaining popularity for their superior caviar. Some of the most common mixes include the Beluga x Kaluga, Beluga x Sevruga, and Sturdlefish.

Sturgeon Species Caviar Name Egg Size Egg Color
Beluga (Great)
Huso huso
Beluga, Almas Medium to Large Light Grey to Black
Huso dauricus
Kaluga, Amur Medium to Large Light Grey to Black
Russian (Diamond, Danube)
Acipenser gueldenstaedtii
Osietra, Osetra, Alverta Medium to Large Golden Brown to Dark Brown
Siberian (Baikal)
Acipenser baerii
Siberian, Baerioska Small to Medium Dark Brown to Black
Stellate (Starry, Star)
Acipenser stellatus
Sevruga Small Light Grey to Charcoal
Lake (Rock)
Acipenser fulvescens
Lake Small to Medium Dark Green to Black
Acipenser transmontanus
White, Tradition Medium Dark Green to Dark Brown
Shovelnose (Alabama, Pallid)
Scaphirhynchus platorynchus
Scaphirhynchus suttkusi
Scaphirhynchus albus
Hackleback Small to Medium Charcoal to Black
Acipenser ruthenus
Sterlet Small Amber to Dark Grey
Shortnose (Atlantic, European)
Acipenser brevirostrum
Acipenser oxyrinchus
Acipenser sturio
Acadian Medium to Large Brown to Black
Acipenser naccarii
DaVinci Medium Brown to Black
Acipenser persicus
Asetra, Ossetra, Osietra Medium to Large Golden Brown to Dark Brown
Crossbreed Hybrid Various Various

Caviar from close relatives to the sturgeon

Although not real caviar by technical definition, the fish roe from a variety of close relatives to sturgeon is frequently labelled as caviar. Their eggs are very similar in shape, size, and taste to real caviar. The most popular ones are summarized below.

Fish Species Caviar Name Caviar Size Caviar Color
American Paddlefish Paddlefish Small Light Green to Dark Grey
American Bowfin Choupique Medium Auburn to Dark Brown
Crossbreed Hybrid Various Various

The Different Types of Sturgeon

Like most animals, sturgeons have several species. The sturgeon family, known scientifically as the Acipenseridae, comes in 25 or so different species, all of which can produce different and unique eggs that are transformed into caviar.

Interestingly, sturgeons are amongst the oldest living creatures, which first appeared over 163 million years ago, once upon a time co-existing with dinosaurs in the Jurassic era.

Although most species are not farmed for caviar, we’ve put together this awesome infographic and comprehensive list of the different types (species) of sturgeons found around the world.

Common Name Scientific Name Origins Avg. Size (cm)
Adriatic Sturgeon Acipenser naccarii EU 100
Alabama Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus suttkusi NA 76
Amu Darya Sturgeon Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni AS 50
Amur Sturgeon Acipenser schrenckii AS 109
Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus NA, EU 250
Beluga Sturgeon Huso huso EU, AS 275
Chinese Sturgeon Acipenser sinensis AS 250
Danube Sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii EU, AS 145
Dwarf Sturgeon Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni AS 20
European Sea Sturgeon Acipenser sturio EU 125
Fringebarbel Sturgeon Acipenser nudiventris EU, AS 132
Green Sturgeon Acipenser medirostris NA 180
Kaluga Sturgeon Huso dauricus AS 180
Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens NA 100
Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus NA 82
Persian Sturgeon Acipenser persicus EU, AS 137
Sakhalin Sturgeon Acipenser mikadoi AS 100
Shortnose Sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum NA 100
Shovelnose Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus NA 55
Siberian Sturgeon Acipenser baerii AS 96
Starry Sturgeon Acipenser stellatus EU, AS 125
Sterlet Sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus EU, AS 43
Syr Darya Sturgeon Pseudoscaphirhynchus fedtschenkoi AS 50
White sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus NA, AS 210
Yangtze Sturgeon Acipenser dabryanus AS 106

Key Takeaways

  • Caviar comes from the sturgeon family of fish
  • Caviar is the fish eggs of sturgeons that are salt-cured and aged
  • The world’s caviar comes from about 10 species and subspecies
  • Many species are critically endangered with a few reported extinct
  • More than 95% of caviar comes from aquaculture (farmed)
  • Wild caviar is mostly illegal or has stringent and low quotas


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